Tag Archives: church stained glass
This stained glass image depicts Mary looking upon her new born son.

The Madonna in Church Stained Glass

Stained Glass Images of the Madonna The word “Madonna,” which means “my lady,” can be traced back to Medieval Italian society. At first it was used to describe any woman of nobility or importance, but it is now inextricably connected to the virgin mother of Jesus. The term Madonna is often understood to be interchangeable […]

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Jesus calms the stormy sea in this arched stained glass window panel.

Christ’s Miracles In Faceted Glass

The Miracles of Christ in Church Stained Glass The earthly life of Jesus can serve as a lesson for us all. The kindness and unconditional love He showed towards all people–even the sinful and impoverished–is something true Christians try to emulate in their own lives of faith. It is the many miracles performed by Jesus […]

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This stained glass depiction of the Last Supper resembles the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

Catholic Stained Glass: The Last Supper

The Last Supper Stunningly Depicted in Stained Glass Art No stained glass gallery of Christian art would be complete without artistic representations of The Last Supper. This event described in great detail in the Bible was the last time Jesus broke bread with His disciples before His betrayal by Judas and His crucifixion. It is […]

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This cathedral style stained glass window insert depicts the boy Jesus in the Temple.

Stained Glass Designs: The Boy Jesus at Temple

The Finding at the Temple in Stained Glass The Bible stories of the Nativity and the Holy Family’s Flight to Egypt tell us about the birth of Jesus Christ and how an angel of God helped Him escape the wrath of Herod the Great while He was still a newborn baby in Mary’s arms. From […]

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Jesus is depicted in this stained glass artwork as the Good Shepherd caring for His sheep.

Christian Stained Glass Windows: The Good Shepherd

The Parable of the Good Shepherd in Stained Glass Jesus Christ is known by many names, including the Messiah, the Light of the World, and the King of the Jews. In the Bible, Jesus also compares Himself to a shepherd. The notion that the Savior watches over the faithful as a shepherd would his innocent […]

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This stained glass window panel features Christ in prayer in the garden.

Jesus Stained Glass: Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane

Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane in Stained Glass Aside from suffering and dying on the cross, it can be argued that Christ’s Passion in the Garden of Gethsemane represented some of the Savior’s darkest hours during His earthly life. Jesus asks God the Father to spare Him from the trials He knows He will […]

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The Flight to Egypt is depicted in this cathedral style stained glass window.

Stained Glass Window Art: The Flight to Egypt

The Flight to Egypt in Beautiful Stained Glass Long before Jesus was sentenced to die on the cross, His life was threatened by Herod the Great. The ruler felt jealousy and unease when he learned of the newborn child, and tried to have the young Messiah killed. Through both divine and earthly efforts, however, the […]

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Christ is pictured with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration in this stained glass artwork.

Church Stained Glass Windows Celebrating Events in the Life of Jesus Christ

Events from the Life of Jesus Christ are Depicted in Stained Glass It is commonly accepted that Jesus’ public ministry–which began with His baptism in the Jordon River–spanned about three years. This is quite short indeed, especially considering all He taught His followers and the influence His teachings still have on Christians the world over […]

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This cathedral style stained glass window features Jesus calling Andrew and Peter to follow Him.

Christian Stained Glass Windows: The Call of the Disciples

Christ calls His Disciples in Stained Glass The Twelve Apostles of Jesus were the men who were closest to Him–both in body and in spirit–during His ministry here on Earth. Church stained glass showing Jesus with His disciples is often used to illustrate some of the most significant events described in the Bible, but these […]

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This Tiffany stained glass image features Christ on the cross with Mary and John at His feet.

Pictorial Stained Glass Windows: The Death and Burial of Christ

The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus in Stained Glass There is perhaps no image more closely connected with Christianity than that of Jesus on the cross. The manner in which Jesus died was painful and any death evokes feelings of grief and sadness, but according to the teachings of Christianity this event was necessary. Through […]

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