Tag Archives: church stained glass
Stained glass image with an angel.

Stained Glass Artwork featuring Angels

Angels Stained Glass Art Angels are supernatural beings that are not only believed to be capable of delivering messages from God, but also of providing comfort, guidance, and sometimes protection in times of need. When Christians and even those who are not part of the faith hear the word angel, a certain image comes to […]

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Stained glass depiction of St. Cecilia.

Christian Stained Glass Windows featuring the Saints

Saints in Christian Stained Glass Windows Many different types of artists–including those who specialize in religious stained glass–have honored the venerated servants of the Lord known as saints through their works. Stained glass windows featuring the saints are a truly beautiful way to add color and charm to your decor.It’s safe to say that no […]

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Saint Joseph in stained glass.

Saint Joseph Stained Glass Windows

Stained Glass Windows featuring St. Joseph Saint Joseph is best known as the earthly father of Jesus Christ. Because of the important role he played in the early life of the Savior, it is not surprising that he is one of the most well-known and celebrated saints in the Christian faith. The details provided in […]

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The Sacred Heart in stained glass.

Christian Symbolism Stained Glass

Symbolic Stained Glass Windows Symbolism is the representation of events or ideas through the use of images. Many different types of artists–from writers to painters–incorporate symbolism into their masterpieces, and stained glass artists are no exception. For those who specialize in the creation of Catholic stained glass, the Bible offers a rich selection of symbolic […]

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Stained glass image with shepherds and an angel.

Shepherds Stained Glass Panels

Beautiful Stained Glass featuring Shepherds Pictorial stained glass windows portraying the shepherds who came to visit Jesus on the night of His birth can also be categorized as Nativity stained glass. Some of these art glass windows show the shepherds receiving the news of Christ’s birth while they are outside working in their fields. In […]

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Christ calming the storm.

Sea of Galilee Stained Glass Art

Stories from the Sea of Galilee Situated in northern Israel, the Sea of Galilee was much more than a body of water casually mentioned in the Bible. It served as a backdrop for the Calling of the Disciples and was also where Jesus performed several of His miracles. Stained glass church windows featuring scenes from […]

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The Presentation of Christ is illustrated in this gorgeous stained glass artwork.

Presentation of Child Stained Glass Designs

The Presentation of Jesus in Stunning Stained Glass Very little is known about the infancy and childhood of Jesus, but the Bible does tell us that Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus to a temple in Jerusalem when He was just 40 days old. This presentation was required under Jewish law. Even at this […]

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Stained Glass Images: The Passion of Christ

Stained Glass Images: The Passion of Christ The Passion is the term used to describe the events in Christ’s life that led up to His suffering and death on the cross. Stained glass window art focusing on this period in the Savior’s life on earth may depict His arrest after He was betrayed by the […]

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The parable of the Good Samaritan is illustrated in stained glass.

Christ’s Parables in Stained Glass

Parables of Christ are Depicted in Stained Glass A parable is a story that is created to teach a fundamental lesson or reveal an important truth. During His time with mankind on Earth, Jesus frequently used parables as a teaching tool. Those who believe in the truth of the Bible tend to place special importance […]

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The birth of Jesus is depicted in brilliant color in this stained glass image.

The Nativity Celebrated in Stained Glass Art

Nativity Art Glass Windows Every December during the weeks leading up to Christmas, references to and celebrations of Christ’s birth seem to be everywhere. Displays in people’s homes show Him sleeping in His manger, and carols on the radio speak of the joy associated with the Newborn King. The event of Christ’s birth is known […]

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